Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End - Love Theme (Revised Suite)

A different mix from the original Marry Me Album Suite by Hans Zimmer

Revised suite arranged by Victor Slijkhuis

1. Marry Me 00:00
Hans Zimmer — Henry Jackman
2. Lift Off 02:25
Hans Zimmer — Geoff Zanelli
3. Below Deck 04:23
Hans Zimmer — Lorne Balfe
4. The Green Flash / Up is Down 05:36
Hans Zimmer — Henry Jackman
5. Waiting for Will / Ten Years Later 10:01
Hans Zimmer — Henry Jackman

Walt Disney Pictures
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Second Mate Productions

2007 Distributed by Buena Vista International

Choir by Metro Voices, recorded at Air Lyndhurst Studios

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack recorded at Sony Scoring Stage, Todd-AO Studios, Newman Scoring Stage and The Twentieth Century Fox Studios.

Score mixed by Remote Control Productions Inc.

Orchestra conducted by: Blake Neely, Nick Glennie-Smith

Стихи Александра Сергеевича Пушкина читает Иннокентий Михайлович Смоктуновский

«Вновь я посетил...» ТО Экран, 1982 г.

Автор сценария — Анна Кружилина
Режиссер — Александр Прошкин
Оператор — Георгий Рерберг
В фильме использованы скульптурные работы Леонида Баранова.
Музыка Сергея Прокофьева.

«Осень» (Октябрь уж наступил...) — 0:28
«Зима. Что делать нам в деревне?» — 6:58
«Признание.» (Я Вас люблю, — хоть я бешусь...) — 11:35
«Зимнее утро» (Мороз и солнце; день чудесный...) — 13:44
«Желание славы» (Когда, любовию и негой упоенный...) — 15:33
«Мадонна» (Не множеством картин старинных мастеров...)- 17:52
«Брожу ли я вдоль улиц шумных...» — 19:04
«Румяный критик мой, насмешник толстопузый...» — 21:26
«Стихи сочиненные во время бессоницы» — 24:02
«Пророк» (Духовной жаждою томим...) — 25:50
«Не дай мне Бог сойти с ума» — 28:25
«Подъезжая под Ижоры» — 30:05
«Телега жизни» — 31:17
«Пора, мой друг, пора! покоя сердце просит...» — 32:37
«Сцена из Фауста» (Мне скучно бес...) — 33:25
«Вновь я посетил...» — 40:51

Harry Potter Music

I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!

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New Moon (The Meadow)

Provided to YouTube by Chop Shop/Atlantic

New Moon (The Meadow) · Alexandre Desplat

The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

℗ 2009 Summit Entertainment, LLC

Producer: Alexandra Patsavas
Producer: Alexandre Desplate
Executive Producer: Livia Tortella
Producer: Paul Katz
Masterer: Stephen Marcussen
Writer: Alexandre Desplat

Auto-generated by YouTube.

"The Beautiful Music of the Harry Potter Series"

Follow me on Instagram @christae.
I cant control the ads on here, sorry!
Relive all the adventures, tears and laughs in this compilation of the scores of all the Harry Potter films. In honor of Harry Potter World opening up at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, I thought it would be fun to appreciate the incredible music of the Harry Potter series. Hope you all enjoy. :-)

WARNING: Song titles may contain spoilers.

Listen to the Best Film Scores of 2016 here:

Listen to the Best Film Scores of 2015 here:

Listen to the Best Film Scores of 2014 here:

15 Beautiful Film Scores:

Desplat: The Kings Speech

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Desplat: The Kings Speech · Alexandre Desplat

waltzing with your enemy

℗ 2010 Cutting Edge Music (Holdings) Limited, under exclusive license to Decca, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited

Released on: 2020-12-17

Producer, Producer, Recording Arranger: Alexandre Desplat
Associated Performer, Piano: Dave Arch
Associated Performer, Violin, Orchestra Leader: Thomas Bowes
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer, Mixer: Peter Cobbin
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Sam Okell
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: John Barrett
Associated Performer, Musical Adviser: Maggie Rodford
Associated Performer, Musical Adviser: Helen Yates
Associated Performer, Orchestra Contractor: Isobel Griffiths
Associated Performer, Orchestra Contractor: Lucy Whalley
Studio Personnel, Editor: Gerard McCann
Studio Personnel, Editor: Peter Clarke
Recording Arranger: Jean-Pascal Beintus
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Lester Smith
Associated Performer, Flute: Jonathan Snowden
Associated Performer, Clarinet: Nicholas Bucknall
Associated Performer, Bassoon: Gavin McNaughton
Associated Performer, French Horn: Nigel Black
Associated Performer, Concert Harp: Skaila Kanga
Associated Performer, Violin: Cathy Thompson
Associated Performer, Viola: Vicci Wardman
Associated Performer, Cello: Anthony Pleeth
Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Mary Scully
Composer Lyricist: Alexandre Desplat

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