Arranger, Composer, Producer: Hans Zimmer
Mixing Engineer, Recording Engineer: Alan Meyerson
Harp: Ellie Choate
Orchestrator: Bruce Fowler
Harp: Marcia Dickstein
Violin: Endre Granat
Coordinator: Rosanna Sun
Orchestrator: Yvonne S. Moriarty
Assistant Engineer, Engineer: Gregg W. Silk
Harp: Katie Kirkpatrick
Arranger: Klaus Badelt
Flute: Daniel Kuramoto
Flute: June Kuramoto
Editor: Lee Scott
Editor: Adam Smalley
Percussion: Francesco Lupica
Mastering Engineer: Joe Gastwirt
Percussion, Vocal: Johnny Mori
Coordinator: Maggie Rodford, Air Edel
I hope these videos bring you joy! A very special thanks to each and every one of you who support my channel through Patreon and Paypal. Do you enjoy my channel? Please consider supporting me! I can’t earn revenue on YouTube due to copyright restrictions, so help the channel continue to grow by becoming a Patron or making a PayPal contribution today!
This video is dedicated to Mia Cienfuegos, who has been a very encouraging subscriber to my channel! Immerse yourself in the realm of Rivendell!
Disclaimer #1: Please know that I do not place any of the adds on my videos. Since I use copyright protected music, YouTube has demonetized my channel. Ads are placed by YouTube automatically to generate revenue for the license holders of the music. My channel is best enjoyed with YouTube Premium!
Disclaimer #2: While I appreciate requests for future videos, please realize that my Patreon community and supporters are who I look to first to find out what content is best for my channel.
Terrence Malicks adaptation of James Jones autobiographical 1962 novel, focusing on the conflict at Guadalcanal during the second World War. via IMDB
Source material:The Thin Red Line Production
Production companies: Fox 2000 Pictures, Geisler-Roberdeau, Phoenix Pictures
This channel is only for promotional purposes and to share my personal playlist, none of the featured music and source images are created by me. I do not intend any copyright infringement.
Please dont ask for permission, Im not allowed to give any.
***DISCLAIMER — The sole purpose of this Youtube channel is to provide viewers with cool music and promote the work of the artist(s). The channel was created for personal enjoyment and I do not take credit or make money from the artists work. Please feel free to contact me if you are unhappy with any particular video upload and I will be happy to take it down, rather than reporting the whole group as this will take away peoples enjoyment of other videos across the channel. Thank You***
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Думаем, многие из вас слышали про недавний конкурс на «реиспользование» мавзолея Ленина. Можете считать это теорией заговора, но когда скандал разразился, «Редакция» уже несколько недель занималась этой темой.
В новом выпуске мы хотим ответить на три главных вопроса:
1. Как главный атеист России оказался божеством новой религии?
2. Кто сохранял и сохраняет тело Ленина все эти годы?
3. Почему все попытки вынести его из мавзолея проваливались?
0:00 Вступление
1:43 Тело Ленина хотели вынести?
8:20 Коммунизм — религия?
13:04 Как был создан мавзолей?
20:35 О бальзамировании Ленина
30:29 Во сколько обходится содержание тела Ленина?
34:35 Что стало с мозгом Ленина?
37:47 «Ленин — гриб»
40:17 О теле Сталина
44:16 О попытках перезахоронить Ленина
58:00 Почему Ленин до сих пор в мавзолее?